AVBC Skills Assessment for Veterinarians

Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC)

Table of Contents

AVBC assesses qualifications and skills for migrating veterinarians under the skilled migration category.

The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) ensures high standards across veterinary practice in Australia and New Zealand. They handle the accreditation of vet schools, hold exams for overseas vets, and assess qualifications for both migration and specialist certification. This helps protect animal health and safety by guaranteeing that veterinarians are well-trained and qualified.

Skills Assessment for Migration

If you're a veterinarian planning to migrate to Australia under a points-tested skilled migration category, the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) is the sole specified assessing authority for the occupation "Veterinarian" (ANZSCO Code 234711) according to the Migration Regulations 1994.

To apply for a Skills Assessment with AVBC, you must:

  1. Hold FULL registration (without conditions) with an Australian Veterinary Registration Board.
  2. Satisfy AVBC's English Language Standards.

Veterinary Nurses seeking a skills assessment should contact VETASSESS for further assistance.

Contact Us

For those considering our services, we provide an initial meeting. In this session, we will simplify the legal aspects of the visa, explain the process ahead, and address any questions you may have.

To set up an initial discussion with us, please reach out to one of our experienced immigration lawyers at (02) 9590 3987.

Enquiry Form

If you would like to proceed with our firm or require further information, simply complete our enquiry form below or email or phone us.

Full Name
Phone Number
Visa Category

We answer all your immigration questions

Send your message through our Enquiry Form and we’ll respond within 24 hours. Or, if you prefer, you can email or directly call us.

After an initial discussion, we can organise a confidential consultation with our legal experts to discuss all of your immigration needs.

We can come to you, you can come to us, or we can have a video or phone conference – whatever works best for your situation.

We make it easy for you

You can either search by a keyword (e.g. Tourist Visa)
or search by a visa subclass (e.g. 500)